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时间:2009/10/14 10:31:44 点击:4515

  核心提示:Mar 8 外链建设的一些方法By admin at 2009-3-8 in 英文搜索引擎优化 | 2 commentsA deeper dive into Getting Ads on pages that have backlinks to them, and that value.This p...
Mar 8


A deeper dive into Getting Ads on pages that have backlinks to them, and that value.

This post is a continuation of my last post which gave some ideas on pages to seek advertising on. One of the lines in there was:

…also aim for the “most trusted, powerful page” via searching Yahoo for [site:theirsite.com] and let Yahoo sort them by importance.

I want to just touch some more on this method of advertising…(call it building backlinks if you want, call it branding, call it advertising, call it “I want click throughs”, ….it’s all Internet Marketing to me.

….so where were we…oh yea, the ole “Yahoo Site: Command” (site:them.com) - What a wonderful thing indeed. (tip, don’t use the “www”).

Yesterday I was going over a prospective method of advertising on someone’s site, when I thought I’d check out the ole “Yahoo Site: Command” for their site.  There at #2 was the site’s Glossary….how good can a Glossary be? Let’s find out! So I went back to Yahoo to check the exact backlinks to that specific page. (in Yahoo use link:http://www.thesite.com/thepage.html)…yea, it was a Damn Good Glossary…it had had 740 backlinks to that page, including 44 .edu’s!  Yea Baby, that’s what I like!

I’m going to ramble on about some theories (or call it paranoia, or call it tactics) I have….

Let’s talk “Reputation” and “Trust”, using my definitions below.

Page Reputation = the words used to link to a page, the words used to link to the pages that link to them.

Page Trust = The backlinks to a Page and Where the Votes Originate (those trust values), and Trust Value of the pages that link to them.

So if you’re getting an advertisement on a site from a page that only has internal backlinks to it, then:
Page Reputation = The words used to link to that page internally.
Page Trust = Semi Low, since no one outside votes for this page.

On the other hand, if you’re getting an ad on a page that has outside backlinks to it then:
Page Reputation = The variety of words links in to that page, mixed with the internal words linking to your page…but External probably count for wayyy more.
Page Trust = Now your pages have a Trust value passed on from the reputation of those pages which link to that page, - this probably counts wayyy more than what is passed internally for Trust.

Let me show you a picture which I’ve drawn several times for my link team which can help you to visualize this.

You’re the bottom circle (the target). The circles in the middle represent the site you’re seeking advertising on. The circles on the top are the sites that link to the site you’re seeking advertising from.

The page on the far right has no outside link linking to it. It’s only “votes” are what the internal sites passes. (lower reputation and trust).

The first subpage you’ll see has lots of votes to it (links). The Glossary page I found had 740 backlinks including 44 .edu’s….Having an ad on a page like that (in the middle of the glossary, for relevant products services, yada yada,) would mean that the 44 colleges are directly linking to a sub page - they are directly voting for that page…the trust and reputation are through the roof….getting an ad on a page like that gives the trust and reputation a straight line to your target.

Ya, know…if you combine these links, with these links, you’ve got one Hell of a good start on link building.

Side note: Wanna know another reason why “links pages” are dead? Because those pages don’t have any backlinks to them from external sites! If all your backlinks come from “lower trust” pages (pages that only have backlinks from within the site, no external backlink votes), then guess what…you aint got Jack. I’d rather get 1 backlinks from 1 real page that has some direct external backlinks to it vs getting 50 backlinks from pages that don’t have any direct outside backlinks to them.


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